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With the increase of age, the function of organs will go down. It is a nature that everything reach their prime and then decline. Nobody can reverse it. If people focus on self-care, know how to keep themselves healthy and take some suitable health supplements, people would postpone senility and protect people from illness. It is possible to make yourself at least 10 years younger! Bio-Cope Mayling Bao, which contains the essence of medlar and grape seeds extracted by modern biological science and technology, have the ability of enriching Yin and nourishing kidney, improving sleep, beauty maintenance. Bio-Cope Mayling Bao can keep you away from sub-health!

Bio-Cope Mayling Bao contains the essence of Medlar. The Traditional Chinese Medicine believe that Medlar can support healthy energy, create energy and supplement   meadow, enrich Yin and nourishing kidney, benefit Qi and help to sleep, strengthen the body, and prevent from aging. Medlar, which contains enough betaine,  rutin, a variety of amino acids and trace elements, can nourish liver and improve eyesight and help to sleep well. Modern scientific analysis showed that polysaccharides in Medlar can defense the natural process of aging, resist fatigue, moisture and nourish the skin, and make you beautiful and young. Skin aging is mainly due to the free radicals.  In medlar, Polysaccharides and  carotene collaborated with selenium and vitamin E all have anti-oxidant function. In addition, vitamin A can maintain the growth and differentiation of epithelial tissue, prevent from dry skin and follicular keratosis. Thus, Medlar extraction plays a role in making the skin beautiful and moisturized. 

The essence of Grape seeds including anthocyanin and resveratrol, which is also in Medlar, is regarded as effective anti-oxidant. The essence of grape seeds can get rid of free radicals, prevent human cells from damage. It can protect human tissue and organs, and control those diseases including heart disease, cancer, premature aging, diabetes, and arteriosclerosis. The essence of grape seeds has the function of anti-aging and beauty. It can repair the injured collagen and elastic fibers. It has a convergence effect, tightens the skin and prevents skin wrinkles appear early. Long-term using can make skin smooth,  whippy and grow, protect collagen, and also has the function of whitening, moisturizing, and removing freckles.

Meiling bao--Active ingredients can give you additional energy and recover your skin. The unique hyaluronic acid and salmon collagen can quickly resolve the skin problem arising with age. Meiling bao can allow you to keep 18-year-old and make your skin young.